
March 18, 2024

Seventeen years ago I was invited to try a Bible College course. I hadn't taken any college courses for over 25 years. Yet the new President of the University (soon to be my lifelong mentor, teacher, trainer, scholar, Pastor of fifty years and Saint) who was very convincing asked me to give it a shot. I was petrified. Zero Bible knowledge, walked into the first night of class even without a Bible, Hello? No lie, anxiety, sweating, shaking you name it, I was freaking out.

Picture this: Looking around the room, 30+ other students obviously ALL with their Bibles in front of them and me NOT, I sit down and The Doctoral Professor teaching this first class begins by asking everyone to open their books to 1 Timothy, I'm like what? I have No idea how I made it through that night! Oh yeah, Jesus, and Pastor Martin. Well, thanks to The Lord and my Brother in Christ, that President of California Biblical University & Seminary Pastor Martin Mosier, he presented me at this past Christmas Church Service (2023) with my diploma "Master of Biblical Studies"-Cum Laude honors.

Albeit the Title of today's testimony "Perserverance!" Without Jesus placing His hand on me, introducing me to this Pastor, none of this would have happened. I was a C-student in business college in my youth and an "A" Child of God on fire to study The Lord's Word as a Wiser Man. Praise The Lord.

Trust me, if God performed this Miracle for me He can do ALL things for everyone that has Faith, Believes and Preservers! God Bless.

Shea Timothy CGO-OMtyG

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