omg or omtyg

  I hear it way to often.  Daily in fact.  Why? I Believe 90% of the time it is used by those people who are non-believers, they do not believe in God, or have no relationship with God.  So why do they say His name so often! It frustrated me to no end, so God put it on my Heart to do something.  Make a positive change.  We need a new Revival. Hence the Creation of OMtyG-O Mighty God.


I would like to start with a little testimony, history, and the foundation for OMtyG: 


   I was raised by my mother, an amazing woman, born in St. Louis Missouri, she was Miss Missouri-runner up Miss America, actress (I saw her every day on TV at a time when we only had 7 channels), amazing how times have changed right? Mom was also a singer, had strong mid-west values, huge heart, and big giver, and a non-practicing Catholic.  My Dad, Los Angeles, California native, Navy officer, then career businessman, and a non-practicing Jew.  So, I had no religion or relationship with God growing up.  I grew up with a single mother with two children before my parents married and my dad adopted my brother and me. So, I was brought up in Southern California, West Los Angeles with Mid-West values, a great culture combination. 


    It was not until 2004 (45 years old) that I was invited to one of the largest mega non-denominational Churches in Orange County California.  I felt something amazing, God’s presence and wanted more.  Only problem, I was confused, absolutely had no direction and no one to help. I signed up for a thirty-four-week Bible study, joined small groups, even counseling classes, yet still lost. One Sunday on my way to Church as usual I found myself literally crying and calling out to God for help. I was so naive I thought this was the only Christian Church in the county.  That day the head pastor during his sermon mentioned a sister church so I wrote it down in my program and after service raced home to look it up.  It was a lot closer to where I lived so I decided to try it the following Sunday. Wow, culture shock! I went from the richest Church west of the Mississippi to the poorest Church. But the very first person I met was their head pastor and being a new face, he asked me if I would join him the following day for an introduction.  I agreed.  When we met his first question for me, “How did I find their Church?’  When I mentioned this mega church, and its leading pastor’s message the previous Sunday, who said that this small church was a sister church. he was shocked! They were not affiliated at all and why would a mega church mention this small poor church in the sermon?  To this day I Believe I was the only one at that service who heard God talking directly to me and heard my cries for help and answered my Prayer.

    That same day when I met this new pastor, he gave me a small eight-chapter book, called the “The Survival Kit.” He asked me to read a chapter a week.  The first thing this book required was to memorize each week the opening Scripture. Unbelievable, immediately at that first chapter reading the light went off, this is God speaking to me and it was the beginning of my Relationship with God, our Lord and savior. 

                                First Memorized Scripture and Devotional 2007: 

      “I have hidden your Word in my Heart that I might not sin against you!”  Psalm 119:11 

     A few days later this pastor asked if I liked sports.  And I shared with him that I had been a jock my whole life. He asked because they had tickets to a professional basketball game (NBA-Clippers actually) to get more acquainted with him, their church, and some other church leaders. Little did I know he invited 6 other men (all pastors).  Amazing. I sat with one Pastor in particular the ride up who had been a believer for 60 years and a pastor for 50 years at that time and had just been gifted a college in theological studies, California Biblical University and Seminary. He asked me to try a class.  I was shaking, scared out of my mind to say the least, I knew nothing about the Word of God. But I accepted. First book we studied “Timothy” my middle name and means Honoring God. Incredible how God works. I was so intimidated that first night but low and behold I spent four years studying under that pastor who became one of my best friends, teachers, and mentor. 


   Going back to the beginning for a moment I had a serious first neck surgery in 2004 when I first went to church (God’s timing?) but it was the second neck surgery (replacing all damaged vertebrae’s with titanium) in 2016 that I wasn’t able to drive for a year (24/7 neck brace) and had all this time on my hands and kept hearing people using the phrase OMG constantly, to me defaming God. So, He put it on my heart for a needed change in people’s spirit.  A more positive world so OMtyG was created to hopefully encourage others, serve anywhere we can and helping in this difficult and challenging time! Sharing testimonies and daily devotionals (mine and from others), because so many people, friends and family, brothers and sisters have asked me to write a book and that’s why the Lord put it on my Heart, to share one page at a time. OMtyG


   I Hope and Pray everyone will come together, be Encouraged daily with Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, and Self Control to join and support OMtyG.     


                                                       “The Greatest Is Yet to Come!!!”

                                                    Thank You All Very Much and God Bless 

“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s Will is—His good, pleasing and perfect Will.”


  • Very good Sae great testimony, keep up the good work. We don’t have much time left

    Marty Marz
  • Test

    Nicole Foy
  • Incredible story you have shared! Can definitely see how God placed you in the right place at the right time and used your “injury” time to draw near to him. This will be a superb ministry!

  • Love this! Thank you for sharing this story with us.


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