False Prophets

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  John 14:6

In 2007 I was working for a general contracting company as a business development representative. My Bible was always on my desk and I would read it while on break or lunch.  There was an extremely gifted project manager who obviously noticed how I spent my quiet and alone time.  We became very good friends and spent quite a bit of time together on job walks and lunches outside the office.  Ironically he said he believed in God and being early in my walk I assumed we were talking about the same God (I only knew One God, Jesus Christ). Please make sure you never assume anything! 

Turns out he was a 3rd generation JW. Very high up in the ranks. Yet for the year we spent together, he noticed my walk and talk and become curious.  One day he asked if he could attend the Church where I worshipped. I was thrilled, then he asked if he could join our Band of Brothers Gospel group, again I said absolutely.  Next he wanted to be baptized in Our Lord and Savior.  Praise The Lord, he began to see the REAL truths.  There is only One God and as we seek after His own Heart, study and obey His Word from the One and only Bible, written God breathed1000's of years ago (not man written a 100 years ago, thus the false prophets) we can distinguish and agree on "The Way and the truth and the life."    

We wish you all a Blessed day today in The Lord and please join our group and tell your friends and share your stories with us.  We are a community of friends here to encourage, have more joy and peace in these very challenging times. OMtyG.com


God Bless

Shea Timothy Kirshner


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