"Be Transformed by the Renewing of Your Mind!"

"Then you will be able to test and approve what God's Will is -- his good, pleasing and perfect will."  Romans 12:2

I had memorized this Scripture close to two decades ago, yet it seems so important today, (as ALL Scriptures do).  But today as we witness this Country's divide, the Holy Spirit brings it back to my attention so vividly.  I Pray without ceasing daily for our Country's people to transform their minds with just Common Sense.  The phrase that always comes to my mind is "Common Sense vs Cult." 

History just keeps repeating itself and nothing changes.  As a Believer (and so many others) I wish everyone followed Our Lord and Savior.  Seems so simple to look at the nine Fruits of the Spirit and realize this world would be such an amazing place if everyone just followed those few requests.  My wife and I always share the first three together, " Love Joy Peace" out load constantly, and what a great place to be. Simple right?  

So why is this so difficult?  Goes back to our original question: if everyone says OMG so frequently, my question is -- "who is their God?"  I Pray to find the supportive team and try my hand at a podcast soon to introduce myself and our Ministry.   I'm a senior and my greatest weakness is technology, so please bear with me as I seek the help from others and try my best to let The Holy Spirit work within me and share My God, O Mighty God - OMtyG, Jesus Christ with our nation first and foremost and prayerfully others. 

I'm so very excited to see how God guides me through this ministry and appreciate all your Prayers.  Thank you and God Bless.

Shea Timothy Kirshner   

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