Trust God

"All authority in Heaven and on earth have been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.  And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."
WE BELIEVE this is the OMtyG mission statement!
     Wow, I'm excited, our first daily devotional and one God has been pressing on my heart for the past 6 years, OMtyG.  What an amazing journey.  Certainly have had numerous trials and tribulations, questioning many times if I should go on, but God kept reaching into my heart with this scripture and others to fulfill His plan. I needed to Pray, listen and persevere. 
     Obviously I can't share everything in one day but that is why it's called daily right?  The book God wants me to write each and every day to hopefully inspire and encourage others here in the USA and world wide.  I've been blessed and have learned a lot over the past seventeen years about God and His Kingdom.  And I'm here at God's request to serve anyway I can.
    These are extremely challenging times and I Hope together we all can draw closer to being One Nation Under God. God is Love, first and foremost, Peace and Joy.  We all need more of these three things today and moving forward.
God Bless,
Shea Timothy Kirshner 
Amazing that God gave me this name: Irish-Catholic, New Testament-Christ Jesus and Jewish.  Actually this just now dawned on me, God works in mysterious ways. Signs and Wonders.  Hallelujah!  

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    Shea Timothy Kirshner

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