Teaching and How others view you!

"In God, whose Word I Praise, in The Lord, whose word I Praise--in God I Trust; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?"  Psalm 56:10-11.

"Train a child in the way they should go, and when they are old they will not turn from it."   Proverbs 22:6

One day just over a decade ago as I was starting my day as always reading the Word and having my quiet time with God, sitting on the family room couch with my Bible in my lap, my son at that time around 12-13 years old came downstairs and looked at me, stopped for a moment and said Dad: "Haven't you finished reading that book yet?"  

I immediately broke out in laughter and my response was, "son I will never be finished reading this book.  The Scriptures I'm reading right now I've probably read a hundred times before (as well as reading The Bible from cover to cover a few times) and today these Words have a totally different meaning and discernment than the last time I read them."

So beautiful, how the world looks at a book, reads it and then selves it. Right.  But not this one.  It's God breathed. God talking to us daily with The Truth, knowledge and His Wisdom for all of us to enjoy, share and learn about His Will for our lives. 

And as a Pastor once told me and where The Holy Spirit generated OMtyG (for Believers and non-believers in God)-- "There are Two kinds of people in this world, those who need Jesus, and those who need more of Jesus!"  Amen, 

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