In the beginning...

Romans 12:1-2. "I urge you Brothers and Sisters, in view of God's Mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, Holy and Pleasing to God--This is your Spiritual act of Worship.  Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, but be transformed by renewing of  your mind.  Then you will be able to test and approve what God's Will is--His Good, Pleasing and Perfect Will." NIV

Its seems that when we just don't understand our trial and tribulations put upon us how God is working.  Five years ago I had a second of two neck surgeries, this last one was so sever that I was required to wear a neck brace for an entire year 24/7.  Probably the most difficult aspect was not being able to drive for that whole season. Brothers and Sisters try that one on. At least no traffic right?  Some of you may not have been able to drive for a day, week or month, and know what I am talking about.  We take these things for granted and it is very challenging. 

Yet during that time is when The Holy Spirit had put this new Ministry on my heart.  I was walking more and unfortunately watching way to much television.  And everywhere I went or all that I watched the phrase "omg" was constantly present.  And when you heard it used it was always derogatory.  To me defaming God.  If you actually google the phrase, the definition is "disgust".  It bothered me to no end.  Especially wondering why it is used so often and who is their god they are referring to? 

Well that is when The Lord said to me, "if it bothers you so much, do something about it!"  Thus OMtyG was born.  Just one added syllable, basically a letter "t" (when verbally used) being added changed the entire meaning. I'm Praying for sort of a revival here. Hoping that everyone adds just one small change to let the world know the One true God who is Love, and not hate.  Good verses evil.  Love, Joy.  Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control  instead of  "disgust".  Will you join me, follow on social media, and support our Ministry and let's together make a change!  Thank you. 

Shea Timothy   


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