"Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His Power that is at work within us."

In 2007-8 a group of approximately 30 non-profit organizations here in Orange County California came together for the first time to serve our homeless veterans.  In San Diego an individual had put together a team over the previous 30 years to help the homeless veterans and called the event "The Stand Down."  Our group (including the Church I represented and my Ministry at that time) met once a month for an entire year preparing for the first Orange County Stand Down.  Whereas San Diego set aside an entire 3-day weekend, we decided to  start out with a Saturday-Sunday timeframe.

It was amazing how incredible God worked, Camp Pendleton sent soldiers to set up tents, we had Doctors, Lawyers, Clothing Non-profits, Dentists, Hair Stylist, Counselors, and more set up booths providing free of charge help for these homeless veterans. 

The job they gave me: Feed the people. Really? Are you kidding me? We were expecting 650 volunteers and 350 homeless veterans. Okay who's ready to do the math with me? Saturday, breakfast lunch and dinner: Sunday, breakfast and lunch.  Have you counted the number of meals I would be responsible to provide?  5 X 1,000 = 5,000 meals! Ring a bell?

I was beside myself: How in the world was a small human being going to handle this task?  I thought to myself, I'm not Jesus, I can't do miracles, but wait, "I have The Power of Jesus and The Holy Spirit" in me- so I Prayed.  What happens next is a Miracle.  God brought me the disciples. Together as a small team, we Prayed together and He opened doors I never could have done without him.  I'm calling on dozens of restaurants in the area for support, little success, then my phone starts ringing; its The American Legend, "we'll take a breakfast and provide all food and staff, then not to be outdone, another military association steps up and tells me they will take the other breakfast, then one of my calls comes through and a national food chain steps up and provides dinner and staff.  It was incredible that when I had these overwhelming thoughts of how would this be possible, God just stepped right in and Provided.  Nothing short of another Miracle and God's Power working today!  Hallelujah.  Thank you Jesus.

Whenever your in a situation that seems impossible, "ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE WITH GOD!"

Be Blessed this Friday and everyday.  And please support and sign up to our Ministry -

OMtyG - O Mighty God,

Thank you and God Bless. 


Brother Shea Timothy Kirshner



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