
"Keep on loving each other as brothers and sisters.  Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing some people have entertained Angels without knowing it."  Hebrews 13:1-2

Today in my daily time with The Lord the book of Hebrews kept coming onto my heart.  A few of my early memorized Scriptures included Hebrews 11:1 & 6. "Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see." (Hebrews 11:1)  "And without Faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that He exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him." (Hebrews 11:6)

But today as I was reading The Holy Spirit reminded me of an amazing story about Angles in our midst.  Over the years I have had many brothers, sisters and even unsaved people share stories that they couldn't explain other than it must have been an Angel sent from God.

I have one of those stories.  For over a decade I had attended a monthly Real Estate Christian luncheon.  I had a sister in Christ with a very debilitating health issue, deep vein thrombosis.  I had never heard of it, but turns out the smallest cut could cause a blood clot and within minutes death if not treated immediately.  This fellowship group and I had been Praying for her for months.  One day a gentlemen walked in who I had never seen before (and again I'd been going for years)  asked if he was in the right place and I said absolutely.  He decided to sit next to me, since I'm always early and first one there, and we just shared the simple pleasantries. The leader of the group walked in and asked how my friend (we had been Praying for) was doing and I said no change.

Then this new brother asked about her symptoms, I shared and he gave me the name of a Biblical herb that she should try.  Turns out he had the same condition years prior.  Well she had been on the only prescribed medication from her doctors (rat poison or coumadin) and was in really bad shape.  After our meeting I called her with the good news, she was extremely hesitant, but when things worsened she tried it.  Her son called me within a few weeks to thank me that his mom was doing great and better than she had ever felt.

Moral of this story?  That new attendee was never seen again. I knew it was nothing less than a Miracle from God, an Angel He sent to heal my friend, that as a group we had been Praying for the past year.

God is Good ALL the time right.

God Bless you all, God Bless this country, the world, our families, our Military, and those Americans needing to come home!  Let's please Pray for them and a quick-safe return!

Thank you

Brother Shea Timothy Kirshner

1 comment

  • Love it! Keep it up brother


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